Ian Heywood

Specialist areas
Insight Sensory Arts and DesignPanel Discussions LICA’s new creative Research Centre Insight hosts this series of panel discussions on the subject of the Senses in Art and Design. The events form part of the development of a Bloomsbury book project, edited by Dr. Ian Heywood with chapters by researchers from Lancaster …
03 Mar 2015 in Sensory Arts & Discussion
I will be reading Robert Pippin’s After the Beautiful: An Essay on the Philosophy of Pictorial Modernism in conjunction with Michael Fried’s writing on Manet and contemporary photography. Hopefully colleagues may be interested in a collaborative exploration of some of these ideas, which include: the differentiation of art and aesthetics; history, politics and …
23 Sep 2014 in Collaboration
This project will collect essays on the role and significance of the senses in current arts and design practices into a book. It will draw on elements from around the Lancaster Institute for Contemporary Arts, including Imagination’s work on questions arising from the effects and possibilities of new sensing and sense-stimulating technology, and …
23 Sep 2014 in Sensory Arts & Project