Out of the Shadows… The Wordless Graphic Novels of Lynd Ward


Scanned image from Lynd Ward's 'God's Man'.  Copyright Pip Dickens
Comics and Graphic Novels ReOPeN (Research, Outreach & Pedagogy Network) at Lancaster University

Invited blog contributor to newly launched Comics and Graphic Novels ReOPeN (Research, Outreach & Pedagogy Network) at Lancaster University. The article focuses on American artist, Lynd Ward, who introduced the wordless graphic novel to America in the 1920s.  It is written from the perspective of book collecting and acknowledges the physical, sensory, detecting of knowledge that they evidence.  Through physical scrutiny of a book more is revealed about Ward and the people he interacted with.  Books are history — how they are printed, bound, decorated, who owned them and who wrote in them can reveal new insights and information.