Senior Lecturer in Sound Alan Marsden

Specialist areas
- Musicology
- Digital Humanities
- Sound
I am interested in scientific and mathematical approaches to music, not because I think music can be reduced to formulae—I believe it cannot—but because we learn a lot in the attempt. Furthermore, with computer tools, a systematic approach allows us to do interesting musical things. Since July 2004, I have been editor of the leading journal in the area of scientific, systematic and technological research in music, the Journal of New Music Research.
My principal research objective is to develop computational systems which allow us to reach a deeper understanding of how music presents an aural environment which captivates a listener's attention. I am also interested in computational methods which allow us to extract information or test theories on large datasets of music, whether in the form or audio recordings or representations of scores.
Recent projects have been concerned with ways of measuring similarity in music and what it means, with analysis of recordings as a means for investigating musical structure, with computational implementation of Schenkerian analysis, and with formal aspects of representing time in music.