Icelandic Soundscape Recording

Recording the Soundscape

Icelandic Soundscape Recording

Myself and a group of researchers in the field of soundscape studies, acoustic ecology, sound art and documentary sound recording, will be going to Iceland to research and record the soundscape of various spaces and spectacular habitats of that landscape. During the trip we will experiment with a variety of audio recording styles. We will then have loud speakers at our listening base to review recordings and have group discussions. It is hope that these discussions will play a significant part in developing key concepts and theories about so called natural and wild soundscapes and their significance in shaping people’s interaction with the landscape of the Northern Hemisphere. 

Each day we will record a series of spaces which will include

  • Pingvellir national park
  • Pingvellavatn lake
  • Gulfoss waterfall
  • Geysir geothermal area
  • South coast beaches and fishing villages
  • Krysuvik region, inc. geothermal vents and Graenavatn lake