Fractals : Icons

postcard insight 1 

Macarena ‘… has directly responded to her environment in her choice of materials, in the use of gold leaf and egg-tempera, those raw materials traditionally used for the execution of religious painted icons in the Byzantine era and in the geometric shapes she depicts. What these draw out are the larger philosophical questions inherent in the very terminology and paradoxical meaning of an icon, in that which is regarded on the one hand as a representative symbol of veneration, and on the other hand as infinite and unrepresentable. In doing so these small ornamental geometrical paintings draw viewers to not only look at the work itself, but to contemplate its existence (and their own), in both its immediate surroundings, the church, and also within its wider universal environment.’

Dr. Véronique Chance
Course Leader MA Fine Art and MA Printmaking, Anglia Ruskin University