Writing as Material Practice
Writing as Material Practice Workshop
24th May, 2017
2pm to 5pm
All welcome
This workshop is for colleagues to discuss their practice and research on the materialities of writing. This encompasses everything from experiments in literary form, artistic engagements with writing, questions of apparatus from pens and laptops to publishers and bookshops. There will be short presentations from Charlie Gere, Andrew Quick, Brian Baker, Jenn Ashworth, Emily Spiers, Sally Bushell, Doris Rohr, Erika Fulop, Andrew Raven, Sarah Hymas, Joel Evans, Rebecca Braun, Paul Coulton, Declan Lloyd, Johnny Unger, followed by a discussion of possible future developments. These might include bids for funding for networks and other research projects, curricula development, and more. There will be cake.
Please feel free to attend. If you would like to speak, or know someone you think might want to, or for any other queries, get in touch with Charlie Gere, c.gere@lancaster.ac.uk.